Downey Burglary Attorney
Charged with Burglary in Downey?
If an individual enters a building with the purpose of committing a theft or any felony, this constitutes the crime of burglary. When this offense is prosecuted, it need only be proven that you intended to commit a felony or steal something, not that these actions were actually carried out. If the burglary is committed within a person's home, it is a first degree felony. When you are convicted on this charge it can be counted on your record as a "strike" per our state's three strike rule. Second degree, also known as "commercial" burglary, will be charged if the act is done in any sort of building other than a home. It can be prosecuted as either a misdemeanor or felony, depending upon several conditions.
Law Office of James Mendez focuses strictly on matters of criminal defense, working to provide cost-effective and dedicated legal services to those charged with criminal offenses. In the case of burglary, the penalties can be steep, affecting you for many years to come. By retaining an accomplished Downey criminal defense lawyer, you have taken your first step towards reducing the risk to your freedoms and your future.
Penalties for Burglary in California
A prosecutor will decide if you will be charged with a misdemeanor or felony in a second degree burglary case. Conviction for a misdemeanor can result in up to a year in the county jail. If you are charged and convicted for a felony, your sentence can be as steep as 3 years in prison.
First degree burglary is punished by a prison term of up to 6 years and it will be a strike against your record. You will be required to serve at least 85% of the time of your sentence. If it is your second felony conviction, you can be imprisoned for twice the amount of time and a third felony conviction can by punished by a sentence of life in prison.
Attorney Mendez has successfully resolved thousands of criminal cases, and as a former Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney, he knows how the prosecution works. There are methods to investigate and defend these charges, always with the purpose of obtaining the best outcome possible in your case.
Learn how burglary charges can be defended. Contact a Downey burglary attorney from the office today.